2012 – 2022 – Return Anunnaki? Anunnaki Translates as “Those Who Sent Anu From Heaven to Earth“


11 049 ViewsAccording to the Sumerian records, Enki, the god Anunnaki, landed on his space ship at his first visit to the Earth. Later he emerged from water dressed in “scrap“ (suit?). Ancient astronauts (or ancient aliens) refer to the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings …. Sitchin contends the Anunnaki were active in human affairs

The Gigantic Hominid Specimen That Measures an Incredible 5.3 Meters Tall (17 Feet, 4 Inches) Was Discovered Near the Ancient Ruins of the Only Megalithic Civilization Ever Discovered in Australia


18 449 ViewsThe Ancient Giants-5-METER HUMAN SKELETON The gigantic hominid specimen that measures an incredible 5.3 meter tall (17 foot and 4 inches) was discovered near the ancient ruins of the only megalithic civilization ever discovered in Australia, which makes the discovery twice as puzzling admits professor Hans Zimmer of the University

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