10 826 ViewsNASA Curiosity photo shows a mysterious objects We’ve read stories about Nazi UFO technology and some people have even claimed Nazis have been on the moon since the late 1940’s, but apparently they have kept their expansionist philosophy alive and well and moved on.
Video: The content of the alien in the Box on October 5, 1948, near Clarkville, Kentucky.
18 734 ViewsThe content of the alien in the Box is supposedly part of the wreckage recovered by Sergeant Lyan Macdersen, on October 5, 1948, near Clarkville, Kentucky.
VIDEOS: Aliens and Presidents! Secret Files Hidden from the Public for Decades, Detailing Every UFO Account, Are Now Available to the Public !Part1.
17 890 ViewsAliens and Presidents PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES.
Was Jesus an alien?
27 270 ViewsThe religious virgin birth could be an alien intervention, and the son of God is in fact son of an extraterrestrial. It is hypothesized that when angels visited Mary in what she perceived as a dream, but was most likely simply a visit from ETs. The aliens artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered sperm. […]