The production of human clones was acquired in 1977 according to the alien technology (Markabian-Sirians)


8 611 ViewsThe production of human clones was acquired in 1977 according to the alien technology (Markabian-Sirians) at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City) research laboratories. The world learned about it the same year when American television and television scientists and camera attendees the original man and his clone were shown. The se

Video: There are countless mysterious artifacts:Truth About the “Mobile Phone 800 Years Old”?


47 460 ViewsWhat Is the Truth :Truth About the “Mobile Phone 800 Years Old”?There are countless mysterious artifacts that sit at some table with the best experts trying to decipher them. From time to time we get a glimpse of some of the weirdest old objects that sometimes just seem just ridiculous to exist. We have […]

VIMANA – Ofan – אוֹפָן – (hebrew wheel), what is meant by “wheel in the wheel” of Ezekiel’s vision of heavenly chariots – Ez 1, 16. Ezekiel’s prophecy of a space ship plan?


15 778 Viewsאופן – אופפאן (גלגל עברי), מה הכוונה ב”גלגל בגלגל “חזון חז”ל של מרכבות שמימיות – פרק א ‘, טז You have already heard about the Swiss writer and investigator Erich von Däniken, who is the advocate of the archeo-astronautic theory of the history of mankind. His books have become bestsellers, and he

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