Archive video of extraterrestrial beings.

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Current science claims that myths and legends are invented. They have been invented by people trying to explain natural phenomena. There is very much of them, and no nation is without them. – But remember that many do not relate to explanations of natural phenomena!

They usually include a record of encounters with higher beings. -This either helps people in a faraway situation, or they represent our creators and teachers. -They bring “new learning” and want to “tell us something.” -Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, Indian and other myths are proof.

A few people said, “What if it’s not invented, but it’s alien visits?” -Smartfully “supernormal” abilities would then be expressions of using their technically superior means. Creating the first people by experimenting with their genetic science. They tried to occupy the planet Earth, which they had previously seen in the universe. -Zecharia Sitchin writes about Annunakoch from Sumerian beauties and Erich von Däniken about flying machines from wall paintings of Indians and Egyptians.

They also do not forget to mention Ezekiel with his vision in the first chapter, in which they see the description of UFOs. -Which reads the original of the vision or the myth knows that they have no description of the technically advanced civilization of the cosmos.

You need a clever promoter to make them “find” in them. -She can do everything! -It only have the belief that the aliens have visited the Earth in the past. I know about people who have similar experiences today and they are neither invented nor invented by visitors of the cosmos.

Source: tilko