17 121 ViewsIt’s highly probable that the apocalypse occur very soon, but Jesus will return to Earth shortly thereafter. According to the decryption of biblical passages, the world will probably end on or before 2021 and Jesus will return to Earth until the year 2029 – after the Apocalypse. The signs of the end of the […]
Tablet of Hermes – Emerald plate and its secrets and Crop Circles.
6 457 ViewsAccording to the legend, the Egyptian god Thoth engraved the emblem of the greatest mystery of heaven and earth, the foundation of all spiritual truths and laws, the root of the mystical journey, the key to divine knowledge, and at the same time the key to salvation. God Thoth means as much as in […]
VIMANA – Ofan – אוֹפָן – (hebrew wheel), what is meant by “wheel in the wheel” of Ezekiel’s vision of heavenly chariots – Ez 1, 16. Ezekiel’s prophecy of a space ship plan?
15 768 Viewsאופן – אופפאן (גלגל עברי), מה הכוונה ב”גלגל בגלגל “חזון חז”ל של מרכבות שמימיות – פרק א ‘, טז You have already heard about the Swiss writer and investigator Erich von Däniken, who is the advocate of the archeo-astronautic theory of the history of mankind. His books have become bestsellers, and he
Archive video of extraterrestrial beings.
16 169 ViewsCurrent science claims that myths and legends are invented. They have been invented by people trying to explain natural phenomena. There is very much of them, and no nation is without them. – But remember that many do not relate to explanations of natural phenomena! They usually include a record of encounters with higher [&he
Two Exclusive Videos: Military Aircraft and UFOs!
11 163 ViewsHow likely is it that UFO’s are indeed just secret military aircraft? When all the evidence is compiled and what facts we know are brought forth, could all these UFO sighting really just be a catagory of military technology that is so secret that only a handful of top officals truely know about it? […]
The giants really on lived Earth? Videos.
5 643 ViewsDid the giants wandering on earth in ancient times, as the famous Bible passages tell us about it? If we believe the Bible books that follow Genesis, giant gangs still inhabited most of the Middle East territory, even at the time the Israelites arrived in the Promised Land. In the Old Testament, we are […]
VIDEO: Proof that superheroes walk among us?
18 271 Views‘Many of these videos show beings that are there and then vanish, others that glow like white light angels. ‘It’s been suggested that aliens are not time traveling, but humans in the future are, to clean up the timeline, or for personal profit. If you’ve ever seen a superhero film, you seem a little […]
Video: Area 51 ‘Uncensored’: Leak! The RUSSIAN AREA 51 have TOP SECRET UFO TECHNOLOGY!
16 371 Views.An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, the Russians then supposedly built a craft in the shape of a flying saucer and arranged for the “UFO” to crash in the Nevada desert in order to create panic in the United States.