15 764 Viewsאופן – אופפאן (גלגל עברי), מה הכוונה ב”גלגל בגלגל “חזון חז”ל של מרכבות שמימיות – פרק א ‘, טז You have already heard about the Swiss writer and investigator Erich von Däniken, who is the advocate of the archeo-astronautic theory of the history of mankind. His books have become bestsellers, and he
Archive video of extraterrestrial beings.
16 168 ViewsCurrent science claims that myths and legends are invented. They have been invented by people trying to explain natural phenomena. There is very much of them, and no nation is without them. – But remember that many do not relate to explanations of natural phenomena! They usually include a record of encounters with higher [&he
Two Exclusive Videos: Military Aircraft and UFOs!
11 163 ViewsHow likely is it that UFO’s are indeed just secret military aircraft? When all the evidence is compiled and what facts we know are brought forth, could all these UFO sighting really just be a catagory of military technology that is so secret that only a handful of top officals truely know about it? […]