10 664 ViewsAliens exist! At least, says Russian astronaut Vladimir Kovaljonok, who spent 217 days between 1977 and 1982 at the Saljut 6 space station. The Kosmonaut, one of the most famous in Russia, even said that one of the unidentifiable flying objects (UFOs) saw exploding. “I have seen a lot of UFOs in the universe, […]
UFO in Antarctica: The Final Proof that Aliens Have Landed on Earth?
33 367 ViewsMysterious object discovered in Antarctica, immediately provoked a stir among experts on UFOs. Russian “expert” Valetin Degterev published on social media what he found in Antarctica while using Google Earth. This is a shot of the black spot, which it claims that it was a UFO, who are stuck in ice after an accident […]