10 206 ViewsOf the world it is coming more and more testimonies to the mysterious sound reminiscent murmur. Over the years, hundreds of cases have been ed this phenomenon of strange that science still can not explain. ??? https://dailymysteries.com/2018/10/17/video-mysterious-voices-coming-out-of-a-cave-while-peopleon-surfac-dig-gold-georgia-g
Return of Anunnaki ship around the Sun, this has the size of our planet. 15.october.2018 and 4. March 2018
5 892 Views2012 – 2022 – Return Anunnaki? The Anunnaki is an ancient Sumerian term which was given to the beings who came down to earth and pro-created (BARA) homo sapiens. Anunnaki translates as “those who Anu sent from heaven to earth” They were also called NEPHILIM meaning “To fall down to Earth, to land” ELOHEEM […]
VIDEOS: VIMANA? appears in India, Russia and New Mexico?
18 682 ViewsA vimana is a word with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machines described in Sanskrit epics. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare. As well as being able to fly within Earth’s atmosphere, vimanas were also said t
Most mysterious places of the planet Video
4 518 Views Our planet Earth is really rich place to live. It located million on her mysterious nooks and crannies that we have not yet discovered, and millions of those we discovered we could not examine them properly. In our new series we can zoom into the most mysterious places on earth, where the most […]
Video: There are countless mysterious artifacts:Truth About the “Mobile Phone 800 Years Old”?
47 461 ViewsWhat Is the Truth :Truth About the “Mobile Phone 800 Years Old”?There are countless mysterious artifacts that sit at some table with the best experts trying to decipher them. From time to time we get a glimpse of some of the weirdest old objects that sometimes just seem just ridiculous to exist. We have […]
NAZI UFO 1935-1945. part 5. Russian Documentary: , ‘Third Reich – Operation UFO
15 055 ViewsDuring World War II, flying plates were developed. This fact is really incredible, although research has probably never achieved the desired results. The documentary investigates the rumors of a Top-secret Nazi base in the Antarctica codenamed ‘Base 211’, the possible truth behind the 1947 UFO attack on Admiral ByrdR
Tablet of Hermes – Emerald plate and its secrets and Crop Circles.
6 466 ViewsAccording to the legend, the Egyptian god Thoth engraved the emblem of the greatest mystery of heaven and earth, the foundation of all spiritual truths and laws, the root of the mystical journey, the key to divine knowledge, and at the same time the key to salvation. God Thoth means as much as in […]
VIMANA – Ofan – אוֹפָן – (hebrew wheel), what is meant by “wheel in the wheel” of Ezekiel’s vision of heavenly chariots – Ez 1, 16. Ezekiel’s prophecy of a space ship plan?
15 778 Viewsאופן – אופפאן (גלגל עברי), מה הכוונה ב”גלגל בגלגל “חזון חז”ל של מרכבות שמימיות – פרק א ‘, טז You have already heard about the Swiss writer and investigator Erich von Däniken, who is the advocate of the archeo-astronautic theory of the history of mankind. His books have become bestsellers, and he
Archive video of extraterrestrial beings.
16 176 ViewsCurrent science claims that myths and legends are invented. They have been invented by people trying to explain natural phenomena. There is very much of them, and no nation is without them. – But remember that many do not relate to explanations of natural phenomena! They usually include a record of encounters with higher [&he