Merlina Marcan: From my “ORB TO PORTRAIT”

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Here is portrait number 3:
There are many species of ‘space aliens’ that can easily glide through our Earth’s atmosphere…These so called cosmic travellers or space beings (sentient beings) are advanced civilisations, that can co-exist in, on, and above our planet Earth…

In this particular MFT photo of the ‘sentient being’, it was very difficult for me to distinguish whether this being is wearing some type of ‘helmet’, or if this being has a head-cranium, that is in the shape of a ‘helmet’…(I am not an artist, but I painted from my intuition, & I believe its head has a natural formation of a cranium that resembles a ‘helmet’…


What do you think it could be???… Natural head-shape… or is it a Helmet ???

Thank you: Merlin Marcan