16 524 Views Broadcast projection of the sky? Alien invasion? Revelation of God? The arrival of the angels? Speaking of Jesus to the people? It all has to be in charge of so-called. Project Blue Beam. All just fiction? Project Blue Beam to be a secret project deceiving the public and sort of guide to the […]
VIDEOS: The idea that there is an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon would explain why we have suddenly interrupted missions on the Moon!
4 812 ViewsWhat is the real reason we are not lying on the moon? Have you ever wondered why space agencies at this time do not usually offer trips to the Moon? The theory suggests that NASA astronauts met the aliens during the landing months, who eventually warned them never to come back. MOON -UFO https://dailymysteries.com/2018/05/06/video-f
Photos: Flower shaped woman. It blooms once every 20 years.
26 694 ViewsThis flower was seen in Kerala. …… Narilatha in the Himalayas .. It is a most rare creation of God. A wonder of the world!
CHUPACABRA? New photos.
28 610 ViewsThe Chupacabra is a Latin American monster that attacks livestock, usually goats, and drinks their blood. The name itself is derived from the Spanish ‘chupar’ (‘to suck’) and ‘cabra’ (‘goat’). Descriptions of them vary from reptilian with spikes or quills on its back to hairless dogs with fangs and claws. Someone in Piedmont, North
Speech of the universe.
5 621 ViewsSlnko,hviezdy a mesiac.Najznámejšie energie svetla cez,ktoré k nám hovorí vesmír.Ľudom stačí otvoriť oči a prijìmať to,akým jednoduchým univerzálnym jazykom prehovarajú.Každý,môže prijímať a rozumieť tomu,čo nám vesmír odkazuje.Táto žiara ukazuje svoju silu veľkosťou a krásou majestátnym teplom,ktoré objalo kus zeme nielen teplom,al