Mysterious tombs! New Tomb From 10,000 BC Discovered in Turkey – Amazing Connection With Queen Nefertiti


12 279 Views This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more […]

March 11, 2012.- January 27.2019 That time, many people were confused and tried to explain the unprecedented event. Mysterious Happens in the Sun – NASA Is Hidding A Truth From Us


6 691 ViewsKincumbersky’s central coast Australia 5 th of January 2017′ I am looking at the sun and I see a planet? UFO? hitting sitting in our sun Planet? UFO?  leaving our sun with a hole in it On in pack planet? UFO? the sun is this why our sun for a big hole it because […]

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