26 887 ViewsIn connection with crop circles generally I encounter three questions: Why are most occur in southern England? How formed? Who or what is their author? From a purely physical standpoint, the apparent condition of their more frequent formation of strong magnetic fields generated by bearings with paramagnetic (+) and diamagnetic (-)
Siberia – UFO?
41 880 ViewsAbout this unidentified object is said to have fallen from heaven to the Russian Arctic and caused a powerful explosion. Ongoing quest for this mysterious phenomenon amid speculation that it could be a worldly phenomenon. Witnesses describe a pale white glow covering the sky, followed by a glowing object falling by a strong tinglin
VIDEO: The mysterious giant cylinder shaped UFO on Moon,on M42 Orion Nebula and Ceres???
8 750 ViewsThis I filmed on the Moon. What can it be? I was filming Moon and this shape I found on the surface.It looks like a spaceship or is it only mountain or something else? What do you think It can be? I watched my old records and … Year ago when I was filming […]
VIDEO: According to archaeologists visited us aliens. Evidenced by paintings.
10 220 ViewsArchaeologists have discovered an unprecedented painting. The Indian cave found on the walls of the shapes that look like figures from another planet. They believe that our Earth in prehistoric times visited by extraterrestrials. Paintings from prehistoric times 10,000 year old cave paintings in India suggest that extraterrestrials
Russia: Ancient Microchip” that Dates Back 250 Million Years.
19 383 ViewsResearchers have made another incredible discovery in Labinsk, Russia. According to scholars this discovery marks the beginning of a completely new history, one that many ancient alien theorists have been talking about for years. The object that researchers have found is believed to be some sort of ancient microchip and according t
The TOP Secret Russian KGB Files 1947 – 2018!
13 844 Views Russia’s Classified Files Of The KGB: 1947-2018. Russia is an amazing country with many secrets, but it’s difficult to hide everything that people doesn’t need to see. These top secret files are awesome. You can see flying saucers, giant balls that are amazing when you see them. I just hope that they know [&helli
VIDEO: Mysterious balls, falling out of the sky from where they come from?
43 817 ViewsOn Saturday 27 at 18:30 in the afternoon this fireball was seen in the Peruvian sky fell in the community of Laurancahuani, province of Azángaro in Puno. When approaching the place, the witnesses said that they felt a smell of electrode welding or electric welding, when performing movement a common sound of gas balloon […]
Mysterious light bangs and sounds appear all over the world!
5 295 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? […]
VIDEO: MH370 Malaysia disappeared with 239 people on board on March 8, 2014?
4 888 ViewsThe missing Malaysia Airlines plane, flight MH370, had 239 people on board and was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 March 2014 when air traffic control staff lost contact with it. plane and ufos https://dailymysteries.com/2018/01/25/in-antarctica-were-discovered-a-huge-pyramid-older-than-50000-years/https://www.youtube.com/