20 370 ViewsIn a candid interview with Pravda, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated implicitly that he would tell the world about Nibiru Being the head of Russia, one of the three most powerful countries in the world, Putin would of course know all about Planet X and how its orbit is 10,000 to 20,000 years for […]
I Have Been Saying for Years That:“Planet X“ Is Real – It Is a Giant Spaceship! Anunnaki ship!
17 263 ViewsEruption Begins at Zhupanovsky Volcano in Russia’s Far East According to the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team, Zhupanovsky Volcano could yield ash explosions reaching heights of six to eight kilometers above sea level. “Moderate activity of the volcano continues. Gas-steam plume was noted on the height up to 4 km a.s.l. Mo
VIDEO: Blackbirds flock in the thousands when. Apocalyptic Swarm of Birds Filmed in Texas.
3 320 ViewsWhen the sky almost appears black because of a massive flock of birds, many would fear an impending natural disaster or think it was a sign of the apocalypse. Massive Flock of Birds covers the skies of Rome, Italy, on 02.22.2018 And it follows the abnormal behavior of the birds, Now in Houston, Thousands […]
The descendants of mermaids? Videos.
22 200 ViewsAs per Robert Temple’s ‘The Sirius Mystery’, the Dogon describe their Sirian Gods as Amphibious / Humanoid Beings who brought them knowledge and wisdom about other stars and celestial bodies and that are in some way deeply connected with our own growth and evolution here on Earth. They called them ‘The Nommos’.
Alien City Ruins on Mars? In Official NASA Images!
10 507 ViewsHas NASA’s Curiosity rover snapped an image of what UFO hunters are calling an ancient wall on Mars? Is this another piece of substantial evidence that proves we are looking at the remains of a long lost alien civilization that once flourished on the surface of Mars? Have you ever thought about the possibility […]
VIDEO: At the Village Collapsed Mysterious Orb! From around the world are reported crashes these mysterious balls from heaven.
19 472 ViewsAnd unexpected event caused quite a stir. One village from the sky fell a mysterious metal ball and some residents believe that it is linked with aliens. Of course others have managed to eventually panic and express their concerns about the end of the world. Nearly 20 villagers Mendes helped the metal ball from […]
Many Secret Files from Vatican about UFO and Aliens are Public and Available after Decades
49 427 Views The Vatican Epicenter of the Roman catholic faith, Representing 1/6 of the planet’s population. It is one of the world’s oldest and most powerful institutions, Either at the center of faith or controversy. Most recent and shocking That this holy order could be part Of one of the biggest cover ups in ufo […]
VIDEO: Mysterious Beings – Aliens.
31 349 ViewsIn a lecture at the Meta Tech Org. Conference, B. Robertson spoke on the subject: Secret Earth Activities of Some Extraterrestrial Groups, Especially the Markabs, Towards Takeover of Full Control over the Earth. Among other things, he spoke of the fact that over the last fifty years, at least 200,000 Markabians have been secretly [
VIDEO:On Mars they discovered a new mystery: The Mysterious Statue is a proof of intelligent life.
11 019 ViewsThe Red Planet is a magnet for extraterrestrial survivors. They regularly come up with new information on what strange and mysterious they have been able to find on Mars. This time, it seems to them that aliens from space could even be religious foundations. UFO lovers have recently been greeted by a NASA snapshot […]