7 608 ViewsEgyptian Archaeologist Admits That Pyramids Contain UFO Technology Actually ancient Egyptian writings very often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Many pictures and symbols resemble UFOs and aliens. POSSIBLY aliens built the Great Pyramid. And th
Are Mermaids Real? Did They Ever Live? (Video)
16 475 ViewsMermaids / fish people are most discussed beings in human history. It is a mythical figure that attracted anglers her singing. They were then drowned or kidnapped mermaids in the underwater kingdom.
CE-5 – Extraterrestrial Contact – UFO (Video)
5 103 ViewsWhat is a UFO probably no need to explain to anyone, because all of us have of him-what he heard, saw, or at least read. The phenomenon has grown in popularity, especially after World War II, after the famous incident in Roswell. Here are a few of UFE basic information and interesting.
Mysterious Underground Worlds. Secret tombs and mysterious objects.Video.
4 728 ViewsAncient myths and legends tell of several mysterious underground cities filled with secret chambers, passages shrines and tombs.
Pyramids of the Amazon: An Ancient Civilization Lost in Time (Videos)
7 308 ViewsIn the tangled and dense jungles of the Amazon there are numerous mysteries that could probably help us understand how ancient civilizations live in the distant past. We know so little about our planet, and researchers are unaware of the possible finding that can be discovered in the Amazon. As technology moves forward and […
Ancient Civilizations builded Pyramids at South Pole and Elsewhere!
7 238 Views Pyramids South Pole and elsewhere! European and US researchers made a startling discovery, finding in Antarctica three similar objects with pyramids. Additionally, scientists say the ancient monuments are found on the shore of artificial origin.
Secret archive video recordings – Apollo 11 The Blue Planet Project Book Secret videotape of an alien on the moon
17 127 ViewsSecret archive video recordings – Apollo 11 The Blue Planet Project Book Secret videotape of an alien on the moon
Over 1000 Giant digs have been found in recent years. Giant skeleton VIDEO!
23 982 ViewsOver 1000 Giant digs have been found in recent years. Giant skeleton VIDEO !