Mysterious tombs! New Tomb From 10,000 BC Discovered in Turkey – Amazing Connection With Queen Nefertiti


12 306 Views This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more […]

Photo and Video :Bizarre video shows the carp, with a resemblance to a man’s face, nose, mouth, and eyes, not to be dismissed.


123 343 ViewsA visitor to a village in southern China was speechless after discovering a fish that seemed to have a human face. The bizarre video shows the carp, with a resemblance to a man’s face, nose, mouth, and eyes, not to be dismissed. The extraordinary animal was discovered by a visitor to Miao Village, a […]

Mobile phone 2,137 years ago? Archaeologists have found strange objects like iphone phones in a Russian tomb!


20 552 ViewsFor Archaeologists Pavel Lear (Pavel Leus), this unusual new discovery is no different than a modern iPhone smartphone. iPhone is a masterpiece of Apple, almost representative of a modern smartphone, from the first iPhone to the current history for only 12 years, but the mysterious water of Russian Atlantis (Russian Atlantis) is th

Madness after a “humanoid-like” object seen in the sky! In Russia and Switzerland.


37 995 ViewsYoutuber recently captured a strange “type of human body” object floating in the sky in the Swiss city of Switzerland, which caused a lot of controversy after recording a video. The filming location is in the capital ,, Switzerland, where it is located in northwest Switzerland, where the film-maker didem y closes the vi

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