5 380 Views A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth Join […]
Nature versus War! World War II Equipment Swallowed By Trees In Russia. Must-See!
7 962 ViewsThese images of WW2 military equipment being swallowed by plants and trees in the in Russia serve as multifaceted metaphorical statements on the relationship between war and the rest of the world.
Anunnaki star – Anunnaki ship-Nibiru. They travel through this galaxy by way of a planet ship named Nibiru: The Mother ship.
9 709 ViewsAncient astronauts (or ancient aliens) refers to the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings …. Sitchin contended the Anunnaki were active in human affairs until their culture was … Pacific: cultures who believed various Western ships and their cargo to be sent from the gods as fulfillment of prophecies concerning their return
That’s Not What the Media Shows … It’s Not a Meteor …
1 861 Views M 2.0 Meteorite? – 8km WSW of New Haven, Michigan and …??? IT’S A DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON. ?
NASA: Amazing Mars Anomaly. Is This Spacecraft on Mars Similar to What Was found on the Moon?
6 937 ViewsAmazing Mars Anomaly discovered on Mount Sharp by Curiosity What are we seeing here? is this a base up on Mount Sharp or a Spacecraft similar to the one that has been discovered on Earths Moon? Link to Original Raw Image from http://www.midnightplanets.com/web/MSL/image/00045/0045MR0002080000102582E01_DXXX.html
Intelligent Extraterrestrial Beings Visited Earth in Prehistoric Times, This Contact Is Connected With the Origins or Development of Technologies and Religions (Video)
7 369 ViewsWhy do people believe in the ancient aliens theory? The ancient astronaut theory is Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, […]
Russians Pulled Out of the Mud Machine from World War II, After 75 Years Still Working
2 028 ViewsIn Russia, found in the mud tank destroyer ISU-152, this machine is one of the most famous machines of World War II. It was first deployed in 1943. Many countries have used it to 70s. The machine found in 2003 in Ukraine, in 2012 by a group of enthusiasts decided to pull off the […]
Polish UFO writings are said to have been lost.Videos.
5 785 ViewsAccording to Polish Colonel Ryszard Grundman, Polish UFO writings either lost or stolen. In a conversation dated former head of air traffic and air defense, Colonel Grundman, responsible for UFO reports, there were many new facts about the concentration of UFO records.
Ancient Civilizations builded Pyramids at South Pole and Elsewhere!
7 238 Views Pyramids South Pole and elsewhere! European and US researchers made a startling discovery, finding in Antarctica three similar objects with pyramids. Additionally, scientists say the ancient monuments are found on the shore of artificial origin.