5 782 ViewsAccording to Polish Colonel Ryszard Grundman, Polish UFO writings either lost or stolen. In a conversation dated former head of air traffic and air defense, Colonel Grundman, responsible for UFO reports, there were many new facts about the concentration of UFO records.
Are Mermaids Real? Did They Ever Live? (Video)
16 474 ViewsMermaids / fish people are most discussed beings in human history. It is a mythical figure that attracted anglers her singing. They were then drowned or kidnapped mermaids in the underwater kingdom.
Ancient Civilizations builded Pyramids at South Pole and Elsewhere!
7 235 Views Pyramids South Pole and elsewhere! European and US researchers made a startling discovery, finding in Antarctica three similar objects with pyramids. Additionally, scientists say the ancient monuments are found on the shore of artificial origin.
The Greatest Discovery in Human History Is Many Years Concealment!
5 051 ViewsTHE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN HUMAN HISTORY IS MANY YEARS CONCEALMENT! The exceptional discovery!!!: The body of King Anunnaki for 12,000 years completely intact part 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. FIND human giants in suspended animation 12000 YEARS
The mysterious anomalies of the Moon (Video)
4 512 ViewsMoon has always been an enigma. It is believed that it was not there previously and was strategically “placed” in orbit with the planet Earth by an advanced alien race. The Moon is actually hollow with huge technologically machines inside it. It is suspected that these machines are also used for controlling the humans […]
Mysterious Sounds Heard Across the World: Apocalypse is coming ?
5 723 ViewsMysterious Sounds Heard Across the World: Apocalypse is coming ? Starting in the second half of 2012 and accelerating into 2018, reports have flooded in from hundreds of cities around the world regarding the strange and powerful sounds and mysterious noises emanating from unknown sources Starting in the second half of 2012 and accel
Anunnaki Creators of People – Story of the Human Race
3 972 Views Anyone who read the Greek myths, or at least watch a movie inspired them knows about the different demigods, centaurs, giants and special beings encountered by their heroes. Questions that many now put, is whether the majority of hybrid creatures were only fantasies of our ancestors, or myths (such as in the case […]
Anomaly: The Giant City – a Mirage Seen in China (Video)
8 192 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on?
Secret Files Hidden from the Public for Decades, UFO Account, Are Now Available to the Public! Part1
5 375 ViewsUFO-Alienymous A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know.