4 517 Views Our planet Earth is really rich place to live. It located million on her mysterious nooks and crannies that we have not yet discovered, and millions of those we discovered we could not examine them properly. In our new series we can zoom into the most mysterious places on earth, where the most […]
Photo: Mythical CHUPACABRA !
62 136 ViewsWHAT IS THE CHUPACABRA? Scientists have speculated that the creatures could be coyotes infected by parasites after one animal was discovered last July following a fatal attack on livestock. The first reported sighting was in 1995, when eight sheep were found dead in Puerto Rico with identical puncture wounds to the chest and comple
VIDEO: Mystery strange fish mutation or cloning?
37 977 ViewsWhat do you think about it?
The strange creatures: spider. Skeleton arachnid with real bones. Did he ever live?
25 057 ViewsSpiders are found on every continent except Antarctica. An estimated 1 million spiders live in one acre of land. The number might be closer to 3 million in the tropics. It is estimated that a human is never more than 10 feet away from a spider—ever.
CHUPACABRA? New photos.
28 650 ViewsThe Chupacabra is a Latin American monster that attacks livestock, usually goats, and drinks their blood. The name itself is derived from the Spanish ‘chupar’ (‘to suck’) and ‘cabra’ (‘goat’). Descriptions of them vary from reptilian with spikes or quills on its back to hairless dogs with fangs and claws. Someone in Piedmont, North
Video: Chupacabras or Alien?
11 518 ViewsWHAT IS THE CHUPACABRA? Scientists have speculated that the creatures could be coyotes infected by parasites after one animal was discovered last July following a fatal attack on livestock. The first reported sighting was in 1995, when eight sheep were found dead in Puerto Rico with identical puncture wounds to the chest and comple
VIDEO: Mythical creatures! Skeletons puzzling creatures. Creatures they really lived?
19 275 ViewsWorld folklore is inhabited by a large number of amazing, fantastic animals. In different cultures, it shall be assigned incredible qualities or abilities. Despite the diversity and otherness, all mythical creatures have different assessment – there is no scientific evidence of their existence in real life. That did not stop
VIDEO: Incredible! Hybrid human creature? Cobra Man!
13 550 ViewsIncredible! Hybrid human creature? Cobra Man! Mysterious creatures are real? World folklore is inhabited by a large number of amazing, fantastic animals. In different cultures, it shall be assigned incredible qualities or abilities. Despite the diversity and otherness, all mythical creatures have different assessment – there
Video: Chupacabras in Brazil?
18 239 ViewsThe Chupacabra is a Latin American monster that attacks livestock, usually goats, and drinks their blood. The name itself is derived from the Spanish ‘chupar’ (‘to suck’) and ‘cabra’ (‘goat’). Descriptions of them vary from reptilian with spikes or quills on its back to hairless dogs with fangs and claws. Someone in Piedmont, North