16 750 Views Could it be possible that the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle was hiding UFOs be? Could the triangle be a kind of basic UFO?
NASA engineer shocked the world: I saw what I did not have, a 3-meter alien! Videos.
32 343 ViewsA veteran of the NASA says he has seen an alien with his own eyes. It was supposed to happen during a mission to the cosmos 24 years ago. The meeting was part of the conspiracy of the US government and the inhabitants of other planets. Clark C. McClelland was 35 years old of […]
Omega Classification: The Greatest Secret of the Vatican Is Nibiru (Videos)
14 104 ViewsA few years ago, an Italian freelance journalist and UFO researcher published explosive information about one of the secrets of the Secret of Omega, one of the greatest secrets of the Vatican. The information came from one of the Jesuits from the Secret Service of the Vatican S.I.V. (Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano). There has [
New Discovery – From the Tomb of Tutankhamun Bracelet?
11 473 ViewsNew Discovery – from the tomb of Tutankhamun bracelet New archaeological discoveries can be the result not only of careful research into what has been found within the literature and artifacts of ancient civilizations, but also of equally careful research into what has been lost and not found. The discovery of this bracelet with [&
Egyptian Pharaohs Were Extraterrestrial Origin and Were Giants
10 439 ViewsThe latest new genetic studies suggests that a lineage of Egyptian pharaohs were subjected to wilful genetic manipulation by a technologically advanced Alien civilization – this could very well be the truth that this planet needs in confirming that designers and builders of the impressive pyramids had a very strong connection with
Secret Files Hidden from the Public for Decades are Now Available – Cracking the Alien Code etc.
15 182 ViewsA global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth Join us […]
Howdy from Duke – Bigfoot and Bipedal mystery hominids here with you!
28 562 ViewsHowdy everyone, I will be sharing my research on Bigfoot and Bipedal mystery hominids here with you!
Mysteries, paranormal and inexplicable phenomena.
17 790 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or UFO,CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? Watch the video and judge for yourself. People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the […]