82 359 ViewsIn the twenty-first century, the world has been swamped with various accounts of extraterrestrial interaction with people on the planet Earth, and it has been suggested that there is perhaps too much information available for people to take the phenomenon seriously, particularly as so much of it is false. Over the years, people hav
VIDEO: UFO Maryland Settembre.
9 776 ViewsMany people still doubt the existence of a flying saucers, but I tell you, just wait until they appear in large quantity. Around the entire planet will demonstrate their ability to fly, their appearance and disappearance. ufo https://dailymysteries.com/https://dailymysteries.com/2018/03/18/ufo-really-odd-pair-of-lights-appear-in-liv
Video: Slovakia Reportedly Filmed Pleiades – UFO Ship?
5 008 ViewsPleiadians, it is highly developed civilization that comes from the constellation Pjejády, specifically from the planet Erra.Traja Pleiades Semjase, Qatari and Ptaah a Swiss contact Eduard “Billy” Meier, who keeps them kontakt Tieto contacts are also strong, he was already on their .Plejáďania or Plejárrania are much vivinutejší as
The Reptilian (Videos)
13 990 ViewsThey are among us? Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race?
Newly declassified documents from the 1940s confirm the existence of aliens
3 764 ViewsThe US FBI Investigation Office said it had evidence that our world was attending guests from other worlds. This report is very surprising – questions of this kind have never officially been interested in the FBI, and have been left skeptical about ufologists and lovers of mysteries. But, apparently, many Hollywood science-fic
Ahnenerbe was Occult Office of the Third Reich Founded in 1935 (Video)
7 654 ViewsMysterious expedition to Tibet Himmler sent immediately to the three Tibetan expedition (in 1931, 1934 and 1938). He is searching for hundreds of years hidden library of Tibetan wise men, spiritual sacred places and especially remains of extinct Indo-Aryan civilization. Apparently some group had Schäferová success. At the end of Apr
Videos: The Secret KGB Project.
12 992 ViewsEveryone interested in history knows that many books have been written, and there is a huge amount of information on the Internet about Egyptian pyramids, Egyptian gods, ancient culture that suddenly appears some 2,500 years BC. fully developed as if it had emerged from nowhere. Dr. Viktor Ivanovich, astrophysicist and neurologist,
Intelligent Extraterrestrial Beings Visited Earth in Prehistoric Times, This Contact Is Connected With the Origins or Development of Technologies and Religions (Video)
7 363 ViewsWhy do people believe in the ancient aliens theory? The ancient astronaut theory is Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past. The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, […]
NEW VIDEO: Cloud or UFO camouflage 13.3.2018.
3 199 Views In Mother Nature, chameleons camouflage themselves for protection from predators. Perhaps the aliens are doing the same thing. The aliens are obviously explorers, whether from other-dimensions or other planets circling distant stars.