3 936 ViewsVideo is authentic without any adjustments Many people still doubt the existence of a flying saucers, but I tell you, just wait until they appear in large quantity. Around the entire planet will demonstrate their ability to fly, their appearance and disappearance. In a way that confuses people into the large extent, that no [&hellip
New Videos: Natural phenomenon or disguised triangle UFO? Michigan and Slovakia!
8 125 Views Natural phenomenon or disguised triangle UFO? Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or UFO,CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning [&hel
VIDEO :Secret archive video recordings!UFO,ALIEN,AREA 51.
9 626 ViewsFind out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Secret archive video recordings A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government […]
VIDEO:A mysterious statue: on Mars and in Egyptian tomb. Alien head or vulgar rock ..
13 855 ViewsThe existence of life is currently investigating most of the planet Mars, where scientists continually probe and examine the surface. Over the last years managed to take a number of photographs from which we bring you the most interesting in the This is on the rocks, stones or cameras really picture taken lizard, creature […
VIDEOS: Project Blue Beam? Or a Natural Phenomenon? Revelation?
16 550 Views Broadcast projection of the sky? Alien invasion? Revelation of God? The arrival of the angels? Speaking of Jesus to the people? It all has to be in charge of so-called. Project Blue Beam. All just fiction? Project Blue Beam to be a secret project deceiving the public and sort of guide to the […]
VIDEOS: The idea that there is an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon would explain why we have suddenly interrupted missions on the Moon!
4 822 ViewsWhat is the real reason we are not lying on the moon? Have you ever wondered why space agencies at this time do not usually offer trips to the Moon? The theory suggests that NASA astronauts met the aliens during the landing months, who eventually warned them never to come back. MOON -UFO https://dailymysteries.com/2018/05/06/video-f
Photos: Flower shaped woman. It blooms once every 20 years.
26 707 ViewsThis flower was seen in Kerala. …… Narilatha in the Himalayas .. It is a most rare creation of God. A wonder of the world!
CHUPACABRA? New photos.
28 653 ViewsThe Chupacabra is a Latin American monster that attacks livestock, usually goats, and drinks their blood. The name itself is derived from the Spanish ‘chupar’ (‘to suck’) and ‘cabra’ (‘goat’). Descriptions of them vary from reptilian with spikes or quills on its back to hairless dogs with fangs and claws. Someone in Piedmont, North
Luminous Being: The Humanoid of Necochea Beach, Argentina .
4 937 Views The human eye sees everything that is inside of the light spectrum. When Imention the light spectrum and hit the light spectrum of the sun. With increased intensity of light would blind man. His senses would not notice a higher form of vibration. It can not therefore see the world resulting on a […]