Did the ancient civilizations leave us the key to time travel?


7 726 Views The scientists again made a shocking finding. They believe there is an unusual labyrinth in one of the Egyptian pyramids. It is the legacy of ancient civilizations. And one version of its origins will be absolutely fantastic. It’s a time machine. It reminds him of his design and mechanism structure. But most importantly, [&he

New Video: What is it? Moon certainly not! An extraterrestrial boat, 500 km long boomerang, shot by NASA on its Apollo missions?


29 833 ViewsMoon certainly not! An extraterrestrial boat, 500 km long boomerang, shot by NASA on its Apollo missions? What is it? Moon certainly not. UFO? Planet X? Nibiru? Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, […]

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