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Science has made many interesting discoveries, but some things it is not able to explain. For example, what you will see in this story. We gathered in one video materials about the ten most inexplicable creatures on earth.
Frank and Louis, two names and two faces, everything else they have in common. This cat lived the longest. Usually, with such mutations, animals do not live long.
Kozlik was born with eight legs, moreover, being a hermaphrodite …

Well, it’s still possible to somehow understand, a mutation and the like, but what do you say about the chicken that you decided to eat by chopping off her head? She did not die, leaving the owners without dinner, and she lived without her own head for a year and a half !!! Since she did not have a head and she could not take food alone, the owners came up with a way – they fed it through a pipette, with liquid nutrition. This chicken was a real sensation and made its owners famous, because they showed it around the country.
And what do you say about the frog, which has three heads and six legs? Even this is on our land.

Well, a duckling with four legs, also an unusual animal. This duckling lived a long life and became a star. He helped scientists to study genetic mutations.

And India, in which cows are sacred animals, surprised us with its own copy. There was born a cow with five legs! Just imagine for a second, if you saw a man with three legs, would you be surprised? Of course. So the relatives who saw her, probably feel the same feeling. Moreover, due to the fact that in India, treat cows for special, her fate became the most that does not eat holy. Everyone who could come to pray for her.