Object On Ceres Discovered In Latest NASA Photo. Is it UFO or something else?

Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres
What it can be? Alien spaceship or great wall of ancient alien outpost? Or so straight tall mountain? Maybe something else… What do you think about it? Similiar object was filmed on the Moon rew days ago, but it have been disappeared in these days.
NASA URL: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA21912.jpg
This is the newest released photo of Ceres, given to the public on the NASA site on Dec 2nd.
This I filmed on the Moon. What can it be?
I was filming Moon and this shape I found on the surface.It looks like a spaceship or is it only mountain or something else? What do you think It can be?
I watched my old records and … Year ago when I was filming Moon this shape was not there. What is it that appeared on the Moon and how long is it there?