4 651 ViewsIn 1835, a labourer in Kent, England, was doing his usual field work. What wasn’t so usual was when he struck the soil with his spade and it just disappeared into the Earth. Apparently, he was standing on something hollow, but from the surface, could see nothing. Word spread, and a local schoolteacher soon […]
Proof, that the earth was inhabited by GIANTS -giant footprints! Videos.
13 968 ViewsProof, that the earth was inhabited by GIANTS -giant footprints! Biblical references to giants: Genesis 6:4 – ‘There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which […]
Videos: Amazing archaeological discoveries! “mermaid skeleton”
9 800 ViewsReal’ mermaids? There are many legends about mermaids and even a few dozen historical claims of supposedly “real” mermaid sightings. Hundreds of years ago, sailors and residents in coastal towns around the world told of encounters with sea-maidens. One story, dating back to the 1600s, claimed that a mermaid had entered Holland throu
That’s Not What the Media Shows … It’s Not a Meteor …
1 862 Views M 2.0 Meteorite? – 8km WSW of New Haven, Michigan and …??? IT’S A DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON. ?
BPEarthWatch Have Revealed That a Huge Object Which Is Not a Meteor Entered the Atmosphere of Earth on December 2nd – What Is It? UFO?
6 178 ViewsWatch the video shots from the days before and days after the time when object was spotted.
Anunnaki – Sumerian gods are actually aliens and have come to our Earth from another planet.
26 141 ViewsFrequently, the literature shows that the Sumerian gods are actually aliens and have come to our Earth from another planet. They call it Anunnaki. What is hidden behind this name?
Anomaly on moon – pyramids? Is the moon and the hologram? Videos.
7 613 ViewsFor over a century, people have watched Clouds, mists, lights, and strange objects on the Moon. But gradually, as the Apollo program was implemented, the competent people began to convince us that the Moon is dead.
US Government Just Released Authentic Footage of UFOs
2 816 ViewsPresented here is the first official evidence released by the US government that can be rightfully designated as credible, authentic confirmation that unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are real.
Astronomers Have Discovered Traces of Two Highly Developed Extraterrestrial Civilizations.Videos
14 188 ViewsThe Kepler space telescope discovered the apparently more Dyson sphere (hypothetical superstructure that allows the use of absolutely all power is already releasing the star). 204278916 Star EPIC, which lies in the constellation of Scorpius at a distance of approximately 400 light years from the sun, blinking so strange that astron