BPEarthWatch Have Revealed That a Huge Object Which Is Not a Meteor Entered the Atmosphere of Earth on December 2nd – What Is It? UFO?

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Watch the video shots from the days before and days after the time when object was spotted.

Do they have something together, those objects and sounds captured on a video with a subject?


What is it? UFO, Comet, Satellite, Meteorite? 28.11.2017

The mysterious sound is probably related to the earthquake in the world. 2.december 2017

What it is? Plasma UFO, planet, comet, satellite? 2.december 2017

What is it? Star or the planet, UFO, certainly not. 3.December 2017


THIS I filmed on the Moon. What can it be? Part 2. 27.11.2017

Today I was filming Moon and this shape I found on the surface.

It looks like a spaceship or is it only mountain or something else? What do you think It can be? I watched my old records and … Year ago when I was filming Moon this shape was not there. What is it that appeared on the Moon and how long is it there?

THIS I filmed on the Moon today. What can it be? part1. 27.11.2017