7 567 ViewsIn our solar system there are many objects such as asteroids, comets or planets that astronomers have documented and described in detail. Of course, there are also satellites and satellites made by humans or larger space debris, such as burned rocket launchers. In space, however, there are objects that astronomers can not identify,
The Woman Gave Birth to Half Elephant Hybrid – The Hindus Believe it Is a Reincarnation of God?
30 964 ViewsTrunk instead of a nose, strange limbs. Half man, half elephant hybrid. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus began to flow to Norway because of a strange newborn because they believe it is a renamed popular god Ganesh. He is portrayed as a man with more limbs and an elephant’s head. Alexandar and Lola […]
This year will mark the 52th anniversary of the Westall UFO’ incident still remains a mystery.
4 118 ViewsThis year will mark the 52th anniversary of the Westall UFO’ incident still remains a mystery Flashback to 1966 to this mysterious event in Australia. This year will mark the 52th anniversary of the Westall Incident and those involved are no closer to finding out what occurred on that fateful autumn morning. It was […]