7 348 ViewsHunting for UFOs was part of the military doctrine of many world powers. The official was not anything like that, but unconsciously or secretly about each country, not only the Soviet Union but also the United States and England, in the hunt involved.
Aliens and ancient Egypt.Videos.
9 975 ViewsA new genetic study suggests that Egyptian pharaoh lines have been subjected to deliberate genetic manipulation by a technologically advanced race. Some call it definitive evidence that pyramid builders have a strong connection with creatures coming from somewhere in the universe.
VIDEO: UFO ‘crashes in Antarctica’
11 907 ViewsA strange object as if it has crashed into the snow and ice, sliding across the ground and leaving a trail in its wake.
Russia’s secret UFO files: Alien Russia and Area 51
23 305 ViewsRussia’s secret UFO files: Soviet Union waged Cold War conflict with aliens WHILE the Cold War waged, the Soviet Union was being menaced by mysterious alien spacecraft which shot down planes and burned military installations.
Scientists Stunned to Find Dinosaur With Flesh Still Intact
3 997 ViewsSCIENTISTS are stumped after a mysterious creature resembling a dinosaur was discovered with flesh still on its bones.
Anunnaki star – Anunnaki ship-Nibiru. They travel through this galaxy by way of a planet ship named Nibiru: The Mother ship.
9 711 ViewsAncient astronauts (or ancient aliens) refers to the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings …. Sitchin contended the Anunnaki were active in human affairs until their culture was … Pacific: cultures who believed various Western ships and their cargo to be sent from the gods as fulfillment of prophecies concerning their return
Alien: Remains Found in a Strange Box in 1945 (Videos)
12 177 ViewsIn the mountains of the Caucasus, in the autonomous republic of Adygeya, was found a mysterious briefcase named Nazi secret society Ahnenerbe.
Object On Ceres Discovered In Latest NASA Photo. Is it UFO or something else?
3 262 ViewsLocation of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres What it can be? Alien spaceship or great wall of ancient alien outpost? Or so straight tall mountain? Maybe something else… What do you think about it? Similiar object was filmed on the Moon rew days ago, but it have been disappeared in these days.