5 858 ViewsThe first sketches of the future technical wonder named the the ball train (in the original шаропоезд) began to draw in the early 1930s. At that time, the industrial revolution was rampant, the Soviet Union was ahead in all sectors. The then unknown engineer Nikolai Yarmolchuk contributed to this with his fantastic vision of [&helli
PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: Ancient astronauts-Anunnaki Ship-Nibiru. They Travel Through This Galaxy By Way Of A Planet Ship Named Nibiru: The Mother Ship.
15 602 ViewsHuge “Ezekiel’s Wheel” Type UFO Spotted In Our Solar System By STEREO A Camera. February 29, 2020 SOHO probe Registers Giant UFO by the Solar System everal UFO researchers claim to have seen a large UFO navigating our Solar System, thanks to the images transmitted by NASA’s SOHO probe. Experts pointed out th
VIDEO: Two Men Recorded a Gigantic UFO Floating Over a Lake in Ohio.
9 011 ViewsLast year, two American citizens were driving along the shore of Lake Erie, Ohio, when they noticed a gigantic object flying over the surface of the lake. Many stories and legends refer to the Great Lakes since they are also called the “Cursed Triangle” of the United States. This is so because many ships […]
PHOTOS AND VIDEOS : Alien Technology In The Hands Of Army? PART 2.
20 413 Views1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers. Our forte was building technologically advanced airplanes of small number and of high class for
Photos and Videos: Tulsa Oklahoma: Incredible captures What is it?
9 116 ViewsSomething very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet. Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? Tulsa Oklahoma: Incredible capture from Jack Hollingshead . What is it? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear [&helli
Mysterious finds of huge proportions that used giants?
59 734 ViewsThe Bible in Genisis 6:4 calls: ” There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were Titans. The giants really on lived Earth? Anunnaki were […]
Photos and Videos: Mystery Creature Caught on Tape – Alien or Rare and Creepy Creature Captured?
19 641 ViewsDo aliens exist? Hundreds of pictures and videos of UFOs are taken every year and enthusiasts believe many of them could be proof or even a hidden conspiracy. While some have been debunked as fake, there are still dozens that have left even the experts scratching their heads and wondering if we really have […]
Photos: Advanced Technology In Ancient Times part 3.
57 180 ViewsDid our ancestors know the technology? Advanced Technology And Ancient Civilizations On Earth? The ancients had knowledge that surpass ours? If so, where? By extraterrestrial beings? Or humanity gained this knowledge in antiquity natural evolution? But this means that humanity has lost part of its history? These are amazing. defini
VIDEO: Mouse on OUTSIDE of SpaceX Rocket? Explain this?
7 647 ViewsA mouse on the outside of SpaceX in space? Interesting phenomenon. What is it? Maybe it has a “context” SpaceX introduces genetically enhanced “powerful mice” to the International Space Station. Jackson Laboratory mice in Maine manipulated genes to boost their muscle growth.