3 199 Views In Mother Nature, chameleons camouflage themselves for protection from predators. Perhaps the aliens are doing the same thing. The aliens are obviously explorers, whether from other-dimensions or other planets circling distant stars.
UFO Slovakia..Videos without any modifications-original 2017.
13 874 ViewsI noticed a strange light in the field behind the gardenI started to camerate i for a moment, and I looked up and a new light-UFO flashed into the sky. Look at the original video without the Edit What do you think about that? Watch the video and judge for yourself.
Unknown satellites in the solar system. Are they extraterrestrial? Videos.
7 572 ViewsIn our solar system there are many objects such as asteroids, comets or planets that astronomers have documented and described in detail. Of course, there are also satellites and satellites made by humans or larger space debris, such as burned rocket launchers. In space, however, there are objects that astronomers can not identify,
According to archaeologists visited us aliens. indicate the cave paintings discovered in INDIA!
8 681 ViewsArchaeologists have discovered an unprecedented painting. The Indian cave found on the walls of the shapes that look like figures from another planet. They believe that our Earth in prehistoric times visited by extraterrestrials. Paintings from prehistoric times 10,000 year old cave paintings in India suggest that extraterrestrials
Polish UFO writings are said to have been lost.Videos.
5 778 ViewsAccording to Polish Colonel Ryszard Grundman, Polish UFO writings either lost or stolen. In a conversation dated former head of air traffic and air defense, Colonel Grundman, responsible for UFO reports, there were many new facts about the concentration of UFO records.
CE-5 – Extraterrestrial Contact – UFO (Video)
5 084 ViewsWhat is a UFO probably no need to explain to anyone, because all of us have of him-what he heard, saw, or at least read. The phenomenon has grown in popularity, especially after World War II, after the famous incident in Roswell. Here are a few of UFE basic information and interesting.
Secret archive video recordings – Apollo 11 The Blue Planet Project Book Secret videotape of an alien on the moon
17 121 ViewsSecret archive video recordings – Apollo 11 The Blue Planet Project Book Secret videotape of an alien on the moon
Secret Files Hidden from the Public for Decades, UFO Account, Are Now Available to the Public! Part1
5 374 ViewsUFO-Alienymous A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know.
Reptilians Are Based on the Moon? (Video)
7 778 ViewsProponents of conspiracy theories about reptilians argues that the country is under the control of intelligent extraterrestrial lizards. Reptilians (also Reptoids) are tall bipedal creature with greenish scaly skin that can change the appearance, and thanks to that infiltrated into earthly society. Measurements typically around 2 m,