Nostradamus Is Quoted as Saying Mankind Would Discover a Machine in Space That Was Sent to Us by the Aliens in 2018! Oumuamua?


5 184 ViewsInterstellar Visitor:Scientists Have Detected An ‘Organic Shell’ That Hides Its True Shape Oumuamua is the interstellar object that passed through the Solar System back in October, but now scientists think that the object might not be what it first appears to be. The object might have an organic coat that is able to mask […]

Bodies of people who are in original condition hundreds, thousands of years after death -TOP 10 Incorrupt Corpses


11 079 ViewsKnown biblical adage – “dust thou art and to dust you shall return” – captures the essence of life of every human being. However, this is not always true. In the world there are dead bodies, which even after many decades or centuries to maintain the same appearance as before death. Why are some […]

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