4 550 ViewsThe head of the company Apple claims to have seen an iPhone in a painting cca 350 years ago. During a conference last Tuesday in the Startup Fest Europe in Amsterdam, Apple CEO Tim Cook and former Dutch politician and European Commissioner Neelie Kroes they shared an anecdote that happened the day before. The […]
Five Neolithic Stone Spheres Still Shocks Scientists – Are They of Extraterrestrial Origin?
3 699 ViewsThe five stone objects are not spheres, but rather platonic solids, thus rovnostěnné formations. The problem is that they are 5000 years old, and their purpose remains unclear. Stone balls are one of the greatest archaeological mysteries today.
The Strange Phenomenon of Russian Villages, Opened the Portal to Another Dimension?
2 513 ViewsOver Russian towns Trockaja managed to shoot a strange phenomenon in the sky. People think that it might be open portal to other dimensions.
Nostradamus Is Quoted as Saying Mankind Would Discover a Machine in Space That Was Sent to Us by the Aliens in 2018! Oumuamua?
5 184 ViewsInterstellar Visitor:Scientists Have Detected An ‘Organic Shell’ That Hides Its True Shape Oumuamua is the interstellar object that passed through the Solar System back in October, but now scientists think that the object might not be what it first appears to be. The object might have an organic coat that is able to mask […]
Forbidden history: Mass sighting of UFOs, South of France, 5th august 1608.
5 980 ViewsThe inhabitants of the South France, from Marseille to Antibes, witnessed a true UFO major incident, reported in a chronicle entitled “Discours des terribles et espouvantables signes apparus sur la mer de Gennes”.
The mysterious sound is back!!! Video.
5 223 Views The mysterious sound happened in Slovakia (February 19) was of this ship?, observe the filters and analysis Some scientists, astrophysics, explain this phenomenon as a “primordial or cosmic earthquake,” or a quiver that comes out of the magnetic field of the Earth and can be likened to a terrestrial earthquake of 5th-6t
What Is the Truth About the “Mobile Phone 800 Years Old”? (Video)
23 812 ViewsAdvertisements There are countless mysterious artifacts that sit at some table with the best experts trying to decipher them. From time to time we get a glimpse of some of the weirdest old objects that sometimes just seem just ridiculous to exist. We have seen ancient artifacts that even resemble today’s objects or machines, [&hell
Bodies of people who are in original condition hundreds, thousands of years after death -TOP 10 Incorrupt Corpses
11 079 ViewsKnown biblical adage – “dust thou art and to dust you shall return” – captures the essence of life of every human being. However, this is not always true. In the world there are dead bodies, which even after many decades or centuries to maintain the same appearance as before death. Why are some […]
While Renovating a House in Egypt Someone Found These Mysterious Coins (Video)
6 156 ViewsIt is possible that the coin show visiting aliens on planet earth? According to many ufologist is zobrazeniepráve such evidence.