Two Mysterious Skulls Discovered in the mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygea . Aliens?


20 449 Views.Researchers have also found a German map of the territory of Adygeya, held in 1941, and have been amazed by the accuracy and completeness it is. These found objects have aroused great interest among specialists In tIhe mountains of the Caucasus region of Adygeya they were found two skulls belonging to an unknown creature […

Nibiru is coming in: We will see her in sky in 6 months! Will it be a prelude to the apocalypse?


23 819 ViewsUsing the binoculars, Nibiru will be seen in September of this year. Nibiru continues to move in the universe and approaches the Sun. The UFO group believes that the transition from our star is extremely dangerous, because then the object will continue to Earth. His arrival can be expected for 6 months. According to […]

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