59 906 ViewsSon Dunga is the largest cave in the world. Located on the border between Laos and Vietnam. In 2013, the cave is open for tourists. Since then, many visitors claim to have seen the terrifying creatures – humanoids with skin of reptiles that resemble demons of mythology. There is also a case of a […]
19 648 ViewsScience has made many interesting discoveries, but some things it is not able to explain. For example, what you will see in this story. We gathered in one video materials about the ten most inexplicable creatures on earth. Frank and Louis, two names and two faces, everything else they have in common. This cat […]
Videos: Amazing archaeological discoveries! “mermaid skeleton”
9 788 ViewsReal’ mermaids? There are many legends about mermaids and even a few dozen historical claims of supposedly “real” mermaid sightings. Hundreds of years ago, sailors and residents in coastal towns around the world told of encounters with sea-maidens. One story, dating back to the 1600s, claimed that a mermaid had entered Holland throu
VIDEOS: Mummified fairy found in Glasgow.Scotland UK.
25 394 ViewsVIDEO circulating around the internet shows the remains of an 8-inch mummified fairy Do you believe that there fairies living at the bottom of your garden? A recent discovery a few years back suggested that they probably did a long time ago. What looked like the petrified corpse of Tinkerbell was discovered in the […]
The Little People in North America….Nimirigar
9 414 ViewsOur guest has had encounters, as have her family, over many years and generations! The first few minutes are quiet, and the show is in stereo, so mono listening will only give you only one channel..
A Classic interview I did with Wes Germer, the main man from the tremendously popular Bigfoot encounter show Sasquatch Chronicles!
17 957 ViewsInterview with the creator of “Sasquatch Chronicles” about his evolution as an experiencer into someone doing their own data gathering, and the 1-2,000 experiencers who he has interviewed, and how his opinion on what is really going on has evolved over time and with the addition of ever more information from eye witness
Bigfoot in the Upper Midwest
20 109 Views Big D tells of the rest of his possible (and certain) encounters, talks about other nearby and recent sightings, and we both talk about sightings in the area going back 200 years! Photos from Big D, Duke, Khat Hansen; awesome artwork by RobRoy Menzies, Devin King and David Scott, music by Swamp Ritual. […]
Howdy from Duke – Bigfoot and Bipedal mystery hominids here with you!
28 559 ViewsHowdy everyone, I will be sharing my research on Bigfoot and Bipedal mystery hominids here with you!