June 16, 1963, Albuquerque, New Mexico, One of the most impressive “UFO” photographic sequences in the world.

54 years ago in New Mexico, the farmer Paul Villa was able to capture with his Kodak camera a Discoidal Ship at close range and with Great Sharpness, the photographs obtained by Villa revealed the metallic structure of the Flying Disc, as well as its incredible evolutions in the air, the base and the dome of the object are perfectly distinguishable, as well as the “Windows” area right in the middle of the object,
Paul managed to immortalize the historic Encounter happened more than half a century ago.
Today as yesterday these “Machines” continue surprising us, capable of traveling from one universe to another, performing the most unusual maneuvers, overriding any airspace, changing their trajectory suddenly, suspending for
hours at will, these Artifacts that are part of the so-called Phenomenon UFO, they have left the record of their presence for almost seven uninterrupted decades, it is time to accept this irrefutable Extraterrestrial reality.