Video: It Would Be a Notebook? Greek Sculpture Feeds Theories about Time Travel?

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Look closely at the picture above. The sculpture of a Greek woman with assistant viralizou and fueled conspiracy theories in the last week. The reason is in the hands of the helper: for many, the figure holds a notebook. But the Greeks would have technology to build the product? That would be the proof that time travel occurred or is just another discussion of fanatics?

Theses circulating on the Internet say the object, described by the museum J. Paul Getty in California (United States) as a jewelry box, it would be very wide and thin to be a traditional jewelry box. still weighs in favor of these theories the two holes in the sides of the product – USB ports?

YouTube StillSpeakingOut user quotes to the Delphic oracle to justify his theory. In Greek mythology, the oracle allegedly helped priests to connect with the gods to get advanced information.

And this Greek, would also be using a laptop or tablet? No, it’s more likely to be a box where they kept documents

Moreover, the arguments against the notebook theory are strong. The sculpture, which measures 94 cm high and 120 cm long, would have been made on Delos Island in the century 100 BC and would, according to the museum where it is available to the public, a traditional funerary sculpture of the time. It is not reason enough for you? Calm has more.

Archaeologists consider “ridiculous” theory. In an interview with Discovery News, the classical archaeologist Janet Burnett Grossman said the object is probably a box or a mirror. Already specialized journalist Kristina Killgrove told Forbes that the object can be even similar to laptops, but much more modest: a common wax tablet in time to save documents – in English is used the word “tablet”, but has nothing to do with the modern sense of the object.

But what about the USB ports? The very Killgrove states that the type holes are common in Greek sculpture. Many sculptures were adorned with perishable materials, such as wood, to add realistic elements. The absence of some elements of the work also indicate that the holes counted on parts that were not preserved to the present day.

The whole controversy still yielded interesting phrases archaeologists. “Any time traveler would know that notebooks are loaded by electricity, while the Greeks had even taken,” said Lobel King for Discovery.

It is curious to observe the work? If one day you visit California, you can check if all the controversy makes sense to take a leap in the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, location where the work is on display.