29 534 Views After the first landing on the moon surface, missions like Apollo 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and the last flight to the Moon – Apollo 17 (hereinafter referred to as A-XY) took place. However, according to the conspirators, flights like A-18 and 20
Video: The Magic Dragon? An interesting phenomenon in the sky. What is it?
5 384 ViewsThe Magic Dragon? An interesting phenomenon in the sky. What is it? Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet
Nibiru or UFO? On photos SOHO!
7 360 ViewsNibiru Is Indeed a Planet or a Huge Spaceship – Satellite? Sumerian cosmogony speaks not only about the origin and evolution of our solar system, but also of the origin of life on earth and according to the following text was transmitted life on Earth through the “attack satellites Nibiru”
Apocalyptic strange sound What is it? This Bizarre Apocalyptic Sound Coming From The Skies Of Slovakia Is Terrifying .Video.
5 070 ViewsWell this video is seriously quite freaky and it was taken in Slovakia on the 15.10.2016. Basically this person was able to film strange sounds coming from the skies of Slovakia and they are quite terrifying and quite apocalyptic – it’s like doomsday is just around the corner.
Watch the strange baby – A baby boy from Bangladesh was born with a rare genetic disorder that causes looks like a man.
8 891 ViewsMagura – A baby boy from Bangladesh was born with a rare genetic disorder that causes looks like a man. It became an attraction for locals who go looking for him. Doctors are realistic and alerted his parents, he will probably not live to older age. Last Sunday a Bangladeshi boy was born in […]
Mysterious stone balls in Slovakia.
11 252 ViewsMysterious stone balls have come from space, says Megonka Stone spherical formations in the village of Megowka near the Jablunkov Pass are a complete mystery. When they were similarly discovered in the 1930s in Costa Rica, they shocked the scientific world. The mysticologist Erich Daniken called it the message of extraterrestrial c
Videos : UFO camouflage?
7 508 ViewsDifferent UFO enthusiasts are convinced that aliens are hiding behind the big cloud and that the clouds should be just their cover, with which they can discreetly observe people. However, experts are more skeptical about this theory.
VIDEO: Mermaid Skeleton in National Museum in Copenhagen!
41 196 ViewsMermaids are real You thought the only mermaid in Copenhagen was the Little Mermaid down by the harbour? The Danish National Museum is here to prove you wrong. In fact, it has on display theA mermaid skeleton in the Danish National Museum skeleton of the Haraldskaer mermaid, discovered by a farmer while ploughing his […]
VIDEO: Exceptional Discovery! Possible mermaid skeleton found in Poland.
11 309 ViewsPossible mermaid skeleton found in Poland.Exceptional Discovery! Bones resembling a mermaid skeleton were found 200 kilometers from Polish capital city of Warsaw!