9 976 ViewsSecrets of the world: The Tibetan White Mountain contains a network of metal structures that extend to the nearest lake. Many researchers believe that this is an artificially created piping system Mysterious pipelines reach up to 150 thousand years! So at a time when Neanderthals and Stone Age people still lived in Europe and [&hell
NEWS VIDEO: Storm was accompanied by a mysterious Apocalyptic sound!
12 546 ViewsPuzzling sounds heard for only 2% of the people and no one knows why With frequent observations of these sounds, I noticed that this mysterious sound can be heard before or after the bigger earthquake in the world. It probably has a connection from the shifting of the lithospheric plates. The mysterious sound is […]
PLANET X-Nibiru Is Coming In: We Will See Her In Sky In 9 Months!
14 759 ViewsUsing the binoculars, Nibiru will be seen in September of this year. Nibiru continues to move in the universe and approaches the Sun. The UFO group believes that the transition from our star is extremely dangerous, because then the object will continue to Earth. His arrival can be expected for9 months. According to experts, [&helli
Mysterious skull with chip in the brain and in tooth Discovered In Russia.
12 742 ViewsThis discovery may have to rewrite people’s cognition of the history of the Earth’s process. There may be an advanced civilization with a high degree of development and advanced technology on the ancient earth. Is this probably the crystallization of the ancient legacy? This technology is a very advanced civilization, perhaps it ex
Evidence that our ancestors knew how to travel in time.
7 344 ViewsThe great physicist and visionary of the 19th century, Nikola Tesla, was obsessed with time travel. He worked on a time machine and supposedly succeeded, declaring, “I was able to see the past, the present, and the future at the same time.” If we look at history, we will find numerous texts that can […]
Photo: Fossils of water pipes Unknown Origin Of Pipes- Been Crafted 180,000 Years Ago.
39 494 ViewsA series of archaeological findings made around puzzled researchers, and mystery is still remains unsolved, strongly pointing to the ancient alien theory. The findings were a series of well-arranged metallic pipe-like structures embedded in rocks The pipes that form the piping complex are not of the same size, with some measuring 1
NEW PHOTOS: The TRUTH About Reptilians.
33 748 ViewsThey are among us. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids? The conspiracy theorist and New Age philosopher, who wore only turquoise for a time and insisted on being called Son of God-Head, says these “Annunaki” (the reptiles) have controlled humankind since ancient times; they count among
The Apollo program , Free masons and the Moon.Videos.
4 433 ViewsFreemasons have been involved since the beginnings of NASA. If there was a group who could pull of a great hoax to fool nearly the entire planet, it would be possible through the Freemasons. By declaring that Scottish Right Freemasons planted a flag on the moon the Freemasons gained many members in their secret […]
Planet X.The ancient Sumerian texts depicted a large planet (Nibiru, today we call it Planet X)
11 007 ViewsNIBIRU.The ancient Sumerian texts depicted a large planet (Nibiru, today we call it Planet X) that entered the solar system very specifically in one of their drawings, and told how it would leave fairly quickly after it had come. In passing, it can have drastic effects on the Earth and other planets in the […]