4 836 ViewsKanál „Alien Planet“ prichádza s najnovšími videonahrávkami UFO / Alien Sightings. Pozorovania UFO vo vesmíre sú pozorovania neidentifikovaných lietajúcich objektov hlásených astronautmi, zatiaľ čo vo vesmíre nedokázali v tom čase vysvetliť. Tieto pozorovania boli nárokované ako dôkaz pre mimozemské návštevy ufológmi, hoci prozaické
5 462 ViewsIn Pinerolo the old hand down the story of a mysterious light that, in ancient times, even before the war, followed people at night in dark and lonely country roads, they called it “the culerc” – “… It was like a ball luminous round, not so big, like a pumpkin, it had a pale […]
WARNING ! THIS IS NOT A FAKE! The Christmas painting, made from 1710 and titled “The Baptism of Jesus,”
6 068 ViewsThe Christmas painting, made from 1710 and titled “The Baptism of Jesus,” was created by Arendt de Gelder. It is located at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, UK. It highlights a large circular object that emits rays of light down, in this case to Jesus. “The four rays that descend from heaven to illuminate [&hel
VIDEO:Anti-Gravity & Levitation-Viktor Grebennikov
10 265 ViewsDan A. Davidison explains the basis behind Grebennikov’s findings and how certain insects really fly (levitate) linking how a spinning vortex creates a magnetic field counteracting gravity. It’s possible that an electrostatic effect is occurring too at the nano level. Magnetic Terracotta, Ancient Technology.
SDO Space Telescope records huge “rectangular object” that emerges from the Sun.
2 616 ViewsAn image of the observatory SDO – Solar Dynamics Observatory of NASA and loaded in Helioviewer (visualization tool of solar and heliosferic images) on 2 September 2017, showed an anomaly on the Sun, more precisely a huge rectangular object that seemed to emerge from the Sun. The anomaly was clearly visible and well defined. [&
Videos: Shocking whirlwind appears after prayer during church service.
28 754 ViewsShocking whirlwind appears after prayer during church service. The physical glory of God appeared just to reveal His presence ??? https://dailymysteries.com/2019/02/19/a-mysterious-statue-on-mars-and-in-the-egyptian-tomb-maybe-an-alien/https://dailymysteries.com/2019/02/20/a-unique-discovery-of-giant-skeleton-giant-possibly-killed-
Did the aliens arrive? A strange phenomenon appeared above Teplice!
2 539 ViewsCloud in the shape of a flying saucer above Teplice A remarkable phenomenon was observed by the inhabitants of Teplice and neighboring towns on Tuesday morning. A strange cloud resembling a flying saucer appeared in the otherwise azure blue sky. Look at the photos According to one observer, the cloud moved from the German […]
UFO vs Fighter! (Videos!)
10 514 ViewsUFO vs Fighter! Military Plane Approaching the Huge Ship, but Just See what Happens to Him! http://in-2008.beforeitsnews.com/conspiracy-theories/2016/02/exclusive-ufo-archive-footage-filmed-in-2008-2473884.html Zveřejnil(a) UFO.-kruhy v obili a ine zahady dne Čtvrtek 4. února 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMlPDMoHu_ghttps://
Secrets of the Secret Societies – Church!
13 747 ViewsA global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Exposing the biggest secret on planet earth Church There will not write […]