14 443 Views
Over 1000 Giant digs have been found in recent years. Giant skeleton VIDEO!
23 982 ViewsOver 1000 Giant digs have been found in recent years. Giant skeleton VIDEO !
Were Unveiled New English Government Documents, Previously Secret, Related to UFOs
14 918 ViewsWere unveiled new English government documents, previously secret, related to UFOs. They were published by the National Archives. The documents reveal atañidas cards with a massive UFO landing in the early sixties, involving multiple “places shock” throughout the country.
In Russia they dug a suitcase of a German soldier from World War II
5 613 ViewsThe box lid was tightly insulated with a rubber seal, so that the contents of the “parcel” were almost unaffected by moisture. At the bottom of the box: the Wehrmacht officer’s jacket in excellent condition… Look for a unique photo of the contents of the suitcase found to:
The Vrkolak From Bulgaria
6 112 ViewsVrkolak: Bulgarian Werewolf A farmer in a small village in Macedonia is digging up a new part of his field when the plow hits an object. It’s a box that’s chained shut. Being brave and curious (and probably hoping it contained gold or something that might get him his own reality show), he opened […]
ORICHALCUM – metal found in 47 pieces, which is believed to have been used in Atlantis, in a 2,600-year-old shipwreck.
4 015 Viewship that sank off the coast of Gela, to the south of modern-day Sicily. A shipwreck sunk 2,600 years ago, off the coast of Gela in southern Sicily and the story of this ship is still fascinating today. The ship – dated to the first half of the sixth century – was on its […]
New Video: The Mystery of the Strange Briefcase and Two Mysterious Skulls Discovered in the Mountains in Russia PART 1
14 441 ViewsDiscovered in the mountains of Russia a strange mysterious briefcase and two skulls. According to the journalists of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” briefcase it has written a strange logo “Ahnenerbe” This case was recently found in the mountains of Adygea. In the mountains of the Caucasus region of Ad
Bigfoot in the Upper Midwest
20 110 Views Big D tells of the rest of his possible (and certain) encounters, talks about other nearby and recent sightings, and we both talk about sightings in the area going back 200 years! Photos from Big D, Duke, Khat Hansen; awesome artwork by RobRoy Menzies, Devin King and David Scott, music by Swamp Ritual. […]