NEW VIDEOS: UFO Filmed From Helicopter! UFO Sightings 2019 | Alien Planet


12 733 ViewsUFO Filmed From Helicopter! UFO Sightings 2019 “Alien Planet” Channel comes up with Latest UFO/Alien Sightings Videos.UFO sightings in outer space are sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by astronauts while in space that they could not explain at the time. These sightings were claimed as evidence for alien

Alien object embedded in spinal column Mystery Object Removed in Two Hour Procedure Doctors Baffled; “We Have No Idea What this is.”


3 929 ViewsWell, you know the story?. A Boise man says he suffered from back pain for years. Sometimes he had trouble walking. Sometimes he missed days at work. And once in awhile, he couldn’t even get out of bed. The doctors said this, then they said that,” complained Casey Jones. “They tried muscle relaxers, heat […]

VIDEO: The Book Of An Alien Races has been Exposed


23 281 Views There are a number of alien races known that currently operating on the Earth and in the human population. In an interview in 1998, Clifford Stone, a retired US Army sergeant who served in the army for 22 years and participated in covert operations, which should gain a crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial […]

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