12 547 ViewsJust as there are fans of railroads or car veterans, air spotters are engaged in tracking and photographing interesting types of takeoff and landing planes. Some airports meet their needs and create spotters at interesting places with a good view. There are 19 such places at Prague Airport, and there is a webcam on […]
Video: The Mysterious 22 PYRAMIDS OF THE AMAZON
8 611 ViewsThis is a fact that was silenced in 2001. Some 22 pyramids were discovered in the middle of the Amazon, in southern Peru. Brave archaeologists decided to inspect the area where a satellite from the United States took a picture of a huge lost pyramid …
VIDEO: Russian presenter Zhanna reveals her reptilian identity live. Allatra!
39 479 ViewsDo you believe in the existence of reptilians? ALLATRA reissues a show showing how this Zhanna woman changes her eyes to a reptilian appearance, repeats it up to 3 times. Presentadora Rusa Zhanna revela su identidad reptiliana en vivo. Allatra! Omega Ovnis UfosMujer rusa muestra en directo sus Ojos ReptilianosTatiana Zhanna Video:
(Videos) Nibiru Planet X News: Planet X or Nibiru – She Really Exists!
12 505 ViewsWhy planet dropped his disguise and appeared? But the hypothesis that Nibiru is no longer located next to the earth, but hidden from our eyes, were raised long ago. t is possible that the planet is of such dimensions can not see and do not show up any of its effects on other planets […]
VIDEO: Melting Ice Reveals Ancient Structure In Antarctic.
15 951 ViewsMelting ice has revealed what looks like an ancient structure buried under tons of snow and ice. Did an unknown civilization exist in the past who could have built this settlement? This crack in the ice is located at Prince Harald Coast in the Antarctic. Map coordinates to structure: 69°53’42.03″S 38°42’22.02″E
Video: Gigantic. Discover a huge face alien in Antarctica using Google Earth .
14 356 ViewsGigantic discover a huge face alien in Antarctica using Google Earth Structure belonging to a lost civilization or simple pareidolia? The worrisome melting of Antarctica seems to be revealing interesting structures … A structure similar to a gigantic face has been discovered in Antarctica through Google Earth, software with w
March 11, 2012.- January 27.2019 That time, many people were confused and tried to explain the unprecedented event. Mysterious Happens in the Sun – NASA Is Hidding A Truth From Us
6 742 ViewsKincumbersky’s central coast Australia 5 th of January 2017′ I am looking at the sun and I see a planet? UFO? hitting sitting in our sun Planet? UFO? leaving our sun with a hole in it On in pack planet? UFO? the sun is this why our sun for a big hole it because […]