17 266 Views Let’s look at this report as the finds, as throw them all overboard Egyptology as well as the Sumerian archaeological associations of university research. Discovery of Great Importance from Ancient Babylon! The story of this discovery begins the summer of 2002, one of ranking official who owned a large private collection of artifa
Is the gate to underground world in Antarctida?
19 719 ViewsThe gate is in the mountains. It is clearly visible on satellite images. A little further lies an object that is very similar to the ice-covered “flying saucer”. The discovery includes Joseph Skipper, a well-known virtual archaeologist from the United States. It usually “discovers” Mars and the Moon-viewing
Videos and Pictures Of Real Dragons?
6 941 ViewsChina is the country that has the most preserved secrets. Still remains a mystery, from whom they learned the art of Chinese acupuncture, which is said that knowledge of the full knowledge passed from generation to generation for thousands of years. And they were nowhere to be noted thereon … To this day, there […]
Nibiru is coming in: photos are from the end of year 2018. We will see her in sky in 2019.
18 644 ViewsUsing the binoculars, Nibiru will be seen in of this year.
Two Exclusive Videos: Military Aircraft and UFOs!
11 188 ViewsHow likely is it that UFO’s are indeed just secret military aircraft? When all the evidence is compiled and what facts we know are brought forth, could all these UFO sighting really just be a catagory of military technology that is so secret that only a handful of top officals truely know about it? […]
Was Leonardo Da Vinci a Time Traveller? (Video)
11 957 ViewsLeonardo’s most notable work consists actually writes and sketches found in his diary, things have remained unpublished long after his death. In such a Notebook fully reflected Leonardo’s productive, investigative and adventurous mind and eye. The pages are filled with a surprising amount of thoughts, observations, drawings and exp
Skeletons of Giants Were Discovered Around the World (Video)
17 343 ViewsAll over the world have been found many giants skeletons. Are they real or no? Why we do not have evidence? Do the governments conceal it? The Bible has many references to the giants – and those are fake? Or really lived on earth these giant creatures? What do you think? Genesis 6:4 – […]
NEW VIDEO: A shining UFO registered in Slovakia. 5.10.13 August. 2018.
2 648 ViewsA Slovak citizen has documented a mysterious glowing object floating in the sky on the film. The author of the recording claims that he witnessed an absolutely unprecedented phenomenon, which is why he made available his video on the web to learn about alternative opinions about what he saw. Common sense suggests that the […]
Anunnaki History: Anunnaki themselves were Titans!
9 153 ViewsSince the Anunnaki themselves were human Titans / were much larger than humans /, the giants Nephilim were born from the union of man and Anunnaki. Nephilim means in the language of the Old Hebrews “fallen he “Gods” were happy … They created us for our image. Only the length of time did not […]