4 822 ViewsWhat is the real reason we are not lying on the moon? Have you ever wondered why space agencies at this time do not usually offer trips to the Moon? The theory suggests that NASA astronauts met the aliens during the landing months, who eventually warned them never to come back. MOON -UFO https://dailymysteries.com/2018/05/06/video-f
VIDEO: Crashed UFO or military machine? UFO Crash Near Laredo, Texas 1948
8 911 ViewsTexas Monthly magazine recently included the Laredo UFO Crash on a list of the eight most significant UFO cases in Texas history.Interestingly, this case is said to have occurred almost exactly one year after the more famous Roswell UFO Incident. Rumors about this case first began circulating in the 1950s, although details were not
VIDEOS: Alien technology in the hands of army!
48 484 Views By Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. he said: 1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or
VIDEOS:Mysterious Planet Nibiru Is Coming Down?
11 109 ViewsThe most famous of the planets of the solar system, called Babylonians, Marduk, according to their god of war, was also known as Nibiru ancient Mayom, which means “mongrelize heaven and earth.” This planet, unlike the nine planets of our solar system that orbit the sun clockwise, opposite orbits and after several times higher [&hel
VIDEO: Alien Code Decryption!
9 589 ViewsMany people still doubt the existence of a flying saucers, but I tell you, just wait until they appear in large quantity. Around the entire planet will demonstrate their ability to fly, their appearance and disappearance. In a way that confuses people into the large extent, that no one really understand what is happening. […]
VIDEO:Unique discovery: Tombs of Egyptian rulers in secret hiding place!
11 722 ViewsThis amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more secrets to reveal. The early testing […]
Life on Mars: “fossilized skull” on the Red Planet opens the hypothesis of an Ancient Alien Civilization
7 054 ViewsHidden in the dusty fields of Mars, what appears to be a fossilized skull, has greatly stimulated the researchers who seem to have found evidence of the presence of an Ancient Alien Civilization on the red planet. This statement came online, after Mr. White examined the photographs taken by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover. The [&h
VIDEO: The mysterious coin 1936 -1937
5 066 ViewsAccording to various theories planet Earth extraterrestrial beings visiting for a very long time. And even before the first reported cases of UFO sightings in modern history. Proof of their veracity has recently found a coin? Whther they are genuine coin or a hoax or misplaced joke, to confirm the expertise carried out. But [&hellip