15 769 ViewsProhibited Egyptology Currently, the entrance to the Great Pyramid of Cheops, one of the seven wonders of the world, the public is prohibited. The reason for this action is related to the ancient Egyptians and by reference to the first technical and scientific step of humanity. Safely we know that the most educated individuals [&he
Pleiadian UFO Appeared Over Italy and Slovakia? (Video)
12 878 ViewsPleiadians, it is highly developed civilization that comes from the constellation Pjejády, specifically from the planet Erra.Traja Pleiades Semjase, Qatari and Ptaah a Swiss contact Eduard “Billy” Meier, who keeps them kontakty.Tieto contacts are also strong, he was already on their planéte.Plejáďania or Plejárrania are much vivinu
Chinese Now Know About the Existence of Aliens on Earth’s Moon – Alien Ship Appears on the Chinese Chang’e 3 Photographs
25 246 ViewsAlien Ship appears on the Chinese Chang’e 3 Photographs There are definite structures in the far background that have hard right angles and metallic glimmers, which proves to me that the Chinese now know about the existence of aliens on Earths moon.
Planet X-Nibiru Is Not a Planet However a Large Spaceship Beings Anunnaki
8 600 ViewsIraqi Minister admits that Nibiru and aliens ANUNNAKI the information The Iraqi Transport Minister, throughout his go to to Dhigar Dhi Qar, mentioned that Dhi-Qar was the primary airport ever to exist when it claimed that this primary airport was in-built Iraq 7,000 years in the past by historical Sumers when it was mentioned [&hell
Nostradamus Is Quoted as Saying Mankind Would Discover a Machine in Space That Was Sent to Us by the Aliens in 2018! Oumuamua?
5 197 ViewsInterstellar Visitor:Scientists Have Detected An ‘Organic Shell’ That Hides Its True Shape Oumuamua is the interstellar object that passed through the Solar System back in October, but now scientists think that the object might not be what it first appears to be. The object might have an organic coat that is able to mask […]
Forbidden history: Mass sighting of UFOs, South of France, 5th august 1608.
5 984 ViewsThe inhabitants of the South France, from Marseille to Antibes, witnessed a true UFO major incident, reported in a chronicle entitled “Discours des terribles et espouvantables signes apparus sur la mer de Gennes”.
This video was filmed today in Slovakia what is it?
2 620 ViewsWhat is it? PLASMA UFO or Orb? Planet,star or satelite? 18.February .2018. Video is authentic without any adjustments. Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of [&hel
What Is the Truth About the “Mobile Phone 800 Years Old”? (Video)
23 817 ViewsAdvertisements There are countless mysterious artifacts that sit at some table with the best experts trying to decipher them. From time to time we get a glimpse of some of the weirdest old objects that sometimes just seem just ridiculous to exist. We have seen ancient artifacts that even resemble today’s objects or machines, [&hell
While Renovating a House in Egypt Someone Found These Mysterious Coins (Video)
6 165 ViewsIt is possible that the coin show visiting aliens on planet earth? According to many ufologist is zobrazeniepráve such evidence.