9 482 ViewsFind out what the government doesn’t want you to know. Secret archive video recordings A global effort has begun — Secret files hidden from the public for decades, Detailing every ufo account, are now available to the public. We are about to uncover The truth behind these classified documents. Find out what the government […]
Gray Alien Footage part2.(Video )
8 218 ViewsHumanity does not come originally from Earth, but from the area of Sirius, which have been created race of advanced civilization or for the fight. the protection of this civilization, which, although advanced lost the ability to defend itself against the aggressor. These races were genetic manipulation adapted to fight, were bred so
VIDEO: Mummy extraterrestrial found in the Egyptian tomb.
26 232 ViewsMummy found in Egypt Recently found the mummy is well preserved creature was embalmed very carefully and was buried in one of the ancient pyramids, the creature who was found 5 feet between 160 150 cm long has been found by archaeological research team led by archaeologist Czechoslovak and a retired professor Pennsylvania State [&h
VIDEO :Pleiadian ship in the skies of Slovakia? 12.may.2018 – UPDATED TODAY : 21.MAY.2018
4 452 Views UPDATED TODAY : 21.MAY.2018 Many people still doubt the existence of a flying saucers, but I tell you, just wait until they appear in large quantity. Around the entire planet will demonstrate their ability to fly, their appearance and disappearance. In a way that confuses people into the large extent, that no one […]
Video: The stone house at Maibong town, on the bank of the Mahur.
6 341 Views“According to ancient customs such a house hewn out of a single stone is cut within a night and work is finished before the cock crows. That stone house remained unfinished as a cock crowed at midnight on that particular date,”
Video: The Russians conducted an experiment similar to that of Philadelphia??
26 230 ViewsThe Philadelphia experiment is a designation for a classified military experiment that was supposed to take place at the naval base in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1943. It is one of the most famous military experiments, but many speculations are still underway here, and there are plenty of ambiguities. That is why he is interest
NEW VIDEO: Giant footprints. Proof, that the earth was inhabited by Giants
11 495 ViewsGiant footprints found all over the world The Bible in Genisis 6:4 calls these creatures :men of renown” , ” There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became […]
VIDEO: Rover Curiosity photographs “something flying” in the skies of Mars..
10 630 ViewsThe bizarre photography, which has recently emerged on various social networks, has ignited a big debate between UFO enthusiasts and conspiracists, in which it is claimed that NASA hides traces of life on Mars. According to UFO hunters, the object represents a kind of alien bird.
VIDEO: The mysterious ‘alien’ cranium was discovered in the mountains. The Mystery of the Alien Skulls.
10 466 ViewsThe mysterious ‘alien’ cranium was discovered in the mountains Until today, no one has been able to offer conclusive details about what the mysterious skull is. Fact or fiction? As always you decide. When you want to prove that Aliens exist on Earth… what would be the first thing you would ask for? In […]