VIDEO: Interesting cloud and apocalyptic sound Slovakia 23.august.2018 Mysteriously sounds are back. Is it related tos excessively high global seismic activity?


3 016 ViewsWith frequent observations of these sounds, I noticed that this mysterious sound can be heard before or after the bigger earthquake in the world. It probably has a connection from the shifting of the lithospheric plates. Of the world it is coming more and more testimonies to the mysterious sound reminiscent murmur. Over the [&hellip

The comet named PanSTARRS (C/2017 S3) unofficially named ‘Incredible Hulk,’ due to its size (gas and dust cloud twice the size of Jupiter) will reach its closest point to Earth on August 7


4 443 ViewsWarning By Russian Researcher Yevgeniy Dmitriyev. Dmitriyev stated “When the Earth passes through the gas-dust environment of a bright comet, a giant lightning may occur which generates a powerful cometary electromagnetic pulse that can be ruinous for civilization”.

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