Were Unveiled New English Government Documents, Previously Secret, Related to UFOs

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Were unveiled new English government documents, previously secret, related to UFOs. They were published by the National Archives. The documents reveal atañidas cards with a massive UFO landing in the early sixties, involving multiple “places shock” throughout the country.

The documents were published as part of the wider dissemination of the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Among the thousands of pages of files is a letter to the Ministry of Defense of filmmaker John Keeling, who has been investigating the case, and the response of the MoD. The letter asks permission to speak with officials from the Ministry of Defence and the response of one of the officers says:

“Investigations of UFO sightings were one of my duties at that time. However, I say that the measure of my support may be limited by the requirements of the Official Secrets Act.

“When the original incident occurred there had been reports generated by witnesses, but all are lost. I was told some time that there is more information out ago, which is disappointing. It’s also instructive to see your name at the top of the secret archives of the Government! “

Police, scientists and Royal Air Force were sent to the area to examine a number of flying discs that had appeared in the fields of Britain. The documents reveal that Westland Whirlwind helicopter was sent from the RAF base at Manston to investigate the “alien spacecraft” who had “landed” in Sheppey.

They also show that 30 years after the incident senior officials of the Ministry of Defence thought muzzling the retired group captain of the Royal Air Force who was the intelligence officer who dealt with UFO sightings as part of their duties Ministry Defense at that time. National Archive files include letters of 1997 between the Ministry of Defense and the intelligence officer belonging to the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence.

The man claimed to have gone down to the police station and Bromley have examined a flying saucer that landed in that city, and wrote to the Ministry of Defense saying that he intended to participate in a television documentary on the case.

When he approached the Ministry of Defence in 1997, for permission to talk about the event, they considered gag him, but decided that would be the laughingstock if they did: “If we can not trust a former ripe official Defence Intelligence Secretariat, go astray, “he advised a senior defense chief.

The retired captain of the group, whose name is included in the files, described the deception as “very intelligent”.

“The fraud was executed with intelligence and seems destined to appear in a TV movie of the future and therefore deserves and needs accurately recorded. Can I get help with that goal? “.

Whitehall documents published in the National Archives show that in Whitehall “cheating flying saucer 1967″ was considered at the Ministry of Defense as a “bad joke obviously very successful.”

But let’s stop here for a moment. That summer of love, hippies and psychedelia, was also the year of an apparent alien invasion. The secret documents of the Ministry of Defense reveal fears of an alien invasion in the UK and details of a six flying saucers landing: Clevedon, Somerset; in Elm Tree, Lacock, Patterdown, Chippenham, Wiltshire farm; Welford, Newbury, Berkshire; in Nyewood House, Winkfield, Berkshire; in Bromley, Kent; and on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent.

Does the Ministry of Defence was trying to hide the facts? Did conceal the invasion and prevent the captain of the RAF speak? ¿As in Roswell, they labeled the case as a fraud, to hide the reality UFO? What he was behind that story?


It all started the night of 3 to 4 September 1967. The alien invaders arrived noiselessly. No spacecraft leaving gigantic shadows of miles wide about our great cities. They were not huge, circular ships, constructed from exotic alloys, but bright pods fiberglass and plastic that looked like giant fried eggs, and they were light enough to be carried by two burly men. There was no death rays or anything to make clear the prompt annihilation of mankind.

For beachhead on Earth, these modest aliens chose not Central Park in New York, or the gardens of the White House in Washington DC. Instead, this would be a close encounter very British. After traveling for tens of light years through interstellar space, a small armada of six flying saucers chose to land on the southern English soil, about equidistant points along the same latitude in the parallel 51 ° 30′N . Something magical and mysterious must have this parallel.

The flying saucer landed on the green of a golf course near Bromley, southeast London, and other areas scattered throughout the south of England and a hill in Somerset.

ThePiperAtTheGatesOfDawnPero see a little context that made their appearance these flying saucers. It was September 1967, three months before the appearance of the Magical Mystery Tour Beatles, and just a few weeks after the appearance of the first seminal disk space rock of Pink Floyd The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. The Cold War was at its peak. Five years ago the Cuban missile crisis had occurred and the space race kept everyone looking skyward. The interest in new technologies and innovations was at its highest point. UFOs were one of the hot topics in England. There were 360 ​​”sightings” British that year, almost one a day, and the media were taking seriously the issue of extraterrestrials.

It was also a time when the aliens had a prominent place in TV programming of the time, Dr. Who of the Quatermass series, a factor known to increase the reported sightings of aliens.

Under this context is not uncommon for a woman named Cynthia Tooth woke up in the middle of the night by a strange noise coming from the night sky. The woman got up and went to her bedroom window and saw a strange light, a UFO, she says, that “down behind some trees.” She alerted the local press the next day.

Bromley1Pero was not until the morning that a caddy named Harry Huxley, discovered an “egg” in the golf Bromley in South East London. Huxley had gone out early in search of lost balls. The boy decided to carry out the search of golf balls before reporting their finding.

But later that morning a policeman named Gordon Hampton ( “Flash” to his friends and colleagues  Huxley saw while patrolling the streets around the area in his panda car. Huxley spoke of his encounter with the “egg”.

BromleyCuando Hampton police officer left his car, he heard a “creepy noise” from the UFO. He radioed the station, convinced that this was something alien, but at first was careful not to use the words “spaceship” or “UFO” on the airwaves (this was a time when police radios not were routinely encrypted and were heard by radio amateurs).

“I found a strange object” he told his boss, who asked him to describe. As the conversation was difficult, eventually the Hampton agent admitted that he had found a flying saucer. A support group was sent Bromley station to see if he was drunk or telling the truth.

BromleyMás later, the decision of the police to bring the dish through the streets of Bromley to the season, earned them a serious reprimand of senior Scotland Yard officers, who were concerned that might have contaminated the city.

Once the UFO was in custody, the officer in charge of the operation, Superintendent Sheppard, telephoned someone in Scotland Yard known as the “Back Hall Inspector”. BHI work was to answer the unusual requests of police forces in the country, and contact the relevant government departments. He called the bomb disposal team of Scotland Yard, in order to review it with portable X-ray equipment The report landed on a desk at the Ministry of Defense, just after 9 am.

The mystery deepened when several similar objects were found in other sites across southern England, spread in a line along the same latitude.

Clevedon1Cuando southern England awoke, they report that the country was under attack filtered. Clevedon, Somerset, in a paperboy, Neal Batey, 15 years old, he found a flying saucer in Dial Hill. This guy ran to his shop and told his boss. Everyone laughed. But in fact discovered on that hill of Somerset flying saucer eventually worked his way up the chain of command of the defense industry to be analyzed by the designer in chief of the division of guided weapons in the British Aircraft Corporation [but I had no idea what they were.

Clevedon2El Sergeant John Durston said it was “identical to the class of spaceships seen in the television science fiction.”

But Sergeant Durston was skeptical that the flying saucer had come from outer space.

“I think it’s a kind of experimental object, but what purpose ?, I’m afraid I do not know”.