A mysterious statue on Mars and in the Egyptian tomb. Maybe an Alien?

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These images from Mars will take your breath away: alien picture taken?
Alien head or vulgar rock ..

People always argue about the existence of aliens. NASA in the near or distant past, has published an interesting series of photographs, which definitely worth a look!

Scientists, explorers and various researchers are constantly trying to find out if life is found elsewhere in the universe. Many times we can observe different objects that resembled a UFO or other cosmic object.

The existence of life is currently investigating most of the planet Mars, where scientists continually probe and examine the surface. Over the last year managed to take a number of photographs from which we bring you the most interesting in the gallery.

This is on the rocks, stones or cameras really picture taken lizard, creature resembling a woman or alien? See this for more than an interesting collection of photos from Mars and make your own opinion …