Christmas Comet Flies to Earth! When it was here for the last time, Jesus was born.

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The “Comet of Christmas” is approaching the Earth, which is even visible through the eyes. It has a green color, and in good weather it’s really a spectacle. The ground will be closest to December 16 and will make the 10th closest documented Earth passage in human history. Comet belongs to the classic attributes of Christian Christmas.

One of the most anticipated comet theaters this year is here. Comet 46P Wirtanen, which gets closest to the Earth on December 16th after 14:00, is already interested in amateur astronomers. Watching it is worth it now, because it is only visible through eyes.

The most anticipated comet theater of the year is practically at the door, and in good weather, we can really look forward to much in the last few days. Comet 46P Wirtanen, which will make the 10th closest documented comet fly across Earth in human history (will be “only” 30x further than our Moon, which is really a cosmic scale on Sunday 16th December), has already shifted beyond the limit of observability with only eyes . Indeed, if you go far enough from the overgrown cities and find yourself using a map, you will find a colorless foggy spot visible especially during the first half of the night between the weak stars of the constellation of the Eridanus. The photos shine with a striking azure-green color.

The comet gets to the ground at a distance of about 11.6 million kilometers, thus it is the 10th closest documented cometal passage around Earth in the history of mankind. The comet will be only 30 times as long as the Moon, which is really a cosmic scale,

The comet will move in the area of ​​the Beast constellation, near the Pleiades cluster, at its maximum approach. But it is worth paying attention to it, but one has to travel outside the big cities that are overwhelmed by the light of smog.

The Christmas Comet is a classic attribute of Christian Christmas. When the Bible was born according to the Bible, the star of the wise tribe of wise men who wished to bow to the new Jewish king shone in the east.

The Comet Path Trail 46P after the Starry Sky in 2018.

Datum           R.A.      D.        r       d       El.    m1   čas (výška)
2018-12- 1.00   2 30.90  -20  1.8   1.068   0.121   129    4.8  21:39 (21)
2018-12- 2.00   2 33.95  -18 34.6   1.066   0.117   130    4.8  21:39 (23)
2018-12- 3.00   2 37.23  -16 59.2   1.064   0.113   131    4.7  21:38 (25)
2018-12- 4.00   2 40.76  -15 14.9   1.062   0.108   132    4.6  21:38 (27)
2018-12- 5.00   2 44.57  -13 21.0   1.061   0.104   133    4.5  21:38 (29)
2018-12- 6.00   2 48.68  -11 16.9   1.059   0.101   135    4.4  21:39 (31)
2018-12- 7.00   2 53.10   -9  1.7   1.058   0.097   136    4.3  21:40 (33)
2018-12- 8.00   2 57.87   -6 35.0   1.057   0.094   138    4.2  21:41 (36)
2018-12- 9.00   3  3.00   -3 56.2   1.056   0.090   140    4.1  21:42 (39)
2018-12-10.00   3  8.53   -1  5.2   1.056   0.087   142    4.1  21:44 (42)
2018-12-11.00   3 14.48    1 57.8   1.055   0.085   144    4.0  21:47 (45)
2018-12-12.00   3 20.88    5 12.5   1.055   0.083   147    3.9  21:50 (48)
2018-12-13.00   3 27.75    8 37.6   1.055   0.081   149    3.9  21:53 (52)
2018-12-14.00   3 35.12   12 11.5   1.055   0.079   152    3.8  22:57 (56)  

2018-12-15.00   3 43.02   15 52.0   1.055   0.078   154    3.8  23:50 (55)
2018-12-16.00   3 51.47   19 36.5   1.056   0.078   156    3.8   0:30 (50)
2018-12-17.00   4  0.48   23 21.6   1.056   0.078   157    3.8   1:00 (56)
2018-12-18.00   4 10.06   27  4.1   1.057   0.078   159    3.8   1:21 (48)
2018-12-19.00   4 20.20   30 40.7   1.058   0.079   159    3.8   2:45 (38)
2018-12-20.00   4 30.91   34  8.2   1.059   0.080   159    3.9   4:03 (29)
2018-12-21.00   4 42.14   37 24.3   1.060   0.082   159    3.9   5:18 (22)
2018-12-22.00   4 53.86   40 26.7   1.062   0.084   158    4.0   6:24 (19)
2018-12-23.00   5  6.01   43 14.2   1.064   0.086   156    4.1  17:37 (39) 
2018-12-24.00   5 18.52   45 46.1   1.065   0.089   155    4.2  19:05 (51)
2018-12-25.00   5 31.30   48  2.0   1.067   0.092   154    4.3  20:52 (67)
2018-12-26.00   5 44.26   50  2.4   1.069   0.096   152    4.3  23:24 (88)
2018-12-27.00   5 57.27   51 47.7   1.072   0.100   151    4.4  23:34 (87)
2018-12-28.00   6 10.23   53 18.9   1.074   0.104   149    4.5  23:43 (85)
2018-12-29.00   6 23.03   54 37.0   1.077   0.108   148    4.6  23:51 (84)
2018-12-30.00   6 35.57   55 43.2   1.080   0.112   147    4.7   0:03 (83)

Whether or not a comet could actually be seen at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ leads to disputes. From astronomical point of view, it could have been a conjunction of planets. As a comet, the painter Giotto di Bondone portrayed for the first time the Bethlehem star.