CHUPACABRA? New photos.

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The Chupacabra is a Latin American monster that attacks livestock, usually goats, and drinks their blood.
The name itself is derived from the Spanish ‘chupar’ (‘to suck’) and ‘cabra’ (‘goat’).
Descriptions of them vary from reptilian with spikes or quills on its back to hairless dogs with fangs and claws.

Someone in Piedmont, North Carolina, sent this picture of a mangy dog-like creature into a local TV station with the caption: ‘Chupacabra’s do exist’

Since the legend of the mythical Mexican predator first emerged, there have been ‘sightings’ of the Chupacabra all over the world.
One of these took place earlier this week in Piedmont, North Carolina, after a local spotted a mangy, fox-like creature fitting with the description bestowed on the ‘goat-sucker’ or ‘devil-dog’